


Maltese fever, brucellosis or brucellosis is an animal disease that affects many animals and may then spread to humans in many ways.

It is an organic bacteria that affects many animals such as pimps, cows, goats, llamas, dogs and pigs, resulting in so-called gastrointestinal abortive disease, epidermal pertussis and gonorrhea. The brucellosis is tolerated by external climatic conditions and therefore can live in water and soil for three months, Months but the Brucella germ does not tolerate high temperatures.

Maltese fever is one of the most endemic diseases in Saudi Arabia and has an incidence of 20-100 cases per 100,000 people annually.

Maltese fever is essentially an animal disease but a person may become infected if the bacteria pass through different ways as follows:

Drink fresh milk from infected animals before treatment with practical methods to eliminate the bacteria and be treated for

Pasteurization and pasteurization are not just heating the milk but there are several ways to ensure the elimination of all germs.

Use of contaminated milk products such as soft cheese and others

Eat raw meat from an infected animal.

Infection of infected animals or their offspring from droppings, urine, embryos, blood or meat, as they may transmit bacteria through the respiratory tract or conjunctiva.

The possibility of bacteria passing from the yogurt and yogurt is very low.

Maltese Fever does not pass from one human being to another except for the possibility of transmission through the mother’s breast milk to her baby.

Continuous or intermittent heat for days or weeks, accompanied by sweating, especially during sleep.  Idle and chronic fatigue especially lower back. Ames and tumors in the joints especially the joints of the pelvis and knee and lower back. Feeling frustrated and depressed.

Maltese disease complications

Maltese fever has some complications that may be serious, including:

  • Complications of the nervous system include schizophrenia, inflammation of brain cells, cerebrospinal fluid, etc. These complications are serious and may damage brain cells and convulsions.
  • Heart complications include inflammation of the valves and sometimes myocardium.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Inflammation of the testes and the epididymis.

Maltese disease complications

  • If the patient has noticed the continued heat for more than ten days with the presence of the joints, the doctor should see the necessary tests and then take the appropriate treatment.
  • The delay in diagnosis and failure to take appropriate treatment leads to the possibility of complications and failure to respond to treatment.


  • Do not use unpasteurized milk or its derivatives…
  • Pasteurization is not just heating or boiling, but is an integrated process of heating and cooling times specific and organized.
  • Take care when washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
  • Inspect the animals regularly by the competent veterinarian and give them the necessary vaccinations.
  • Take into account not to mix animals from different factions with each other and take care of their cleanliness and cleanliness of their estates.